Connecting Businesses. Boosting productivity. Managing accounts.
From anywhere.
Mint link is a platform where international education businesses meet their partners, search for deals and send proposals to their clients.

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Early adopters packages is a software which is being developed aspecialy for Study abroad sector. All partners in one place, any action or transaction within few clicks. All data is easy to find.
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Early adopters packages> for schools
Projection equipment: slide projectors, presentations, overhead projectors, and computer projectors.
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
Steve Jobs
Apple CEO
Our Botanical Garden is an advocate for the plants
The Garden contains 50 different gardens and plant collections. There is a serene cascade waterfall, as well as wetlands and a 50-acre (20 ha) tract of original, never-logged, old-growth New York forest.> for agents
Projection equipment: slide projectors, presentations, overhead projectors, and computer projectors.
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
Steve Jobs
Apple CEO
Our Botanical Garden is an advocate for the plants
The Garden contains 50 different gardens and plant collections. There is a serene cascade waterfall, as well as wetlands and a 50-acre (20 ha) tract of original, never-logged, old-growth New York forest.
Here is how we will help you
Mint.Link team is working hard to get this features
  • Everything in one place
    Easy to work, offers a joint base with all client data. All needed information is available in 2 clicks.
    Leads and accounts management tools enable to keep track on all sales, recruitment and enrollment processes.

  • Notifications
    Client accounts web-interface with course and trip details. Notifications via mobile app, sms and email. Easy customization.
  • Quick Invoicing and Agreement creation
    To generate agreement for your student takes less than 1 min. Agreements management without rebooting the webpage. Automated Word docs generation.
  • 7 Languages available
  • Easy Finance
    Allocate receivables and payables in one click. Audit payments with your suppliers - schools, residences, couriers etc.

    Financial analysis tool will help you to keep your business fit.
  • API Integrations
    Automated data outoput from to your CRM.
    Clients can do their agreements and bookings by themselves.
    Access to accounts from your website.
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